Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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Dr. Marian Lazar at SCOSTEP

This year (July 12-16), the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) has organized the twelfth in the series of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (STP) symposia in Berlin. SCOSTEP organizes exchange meetings and scientific programs in the solar-terrestrial environment. The current program is Climate andWeather in the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES), a scientific approach to understanding the short term (Space Weather) and long term (Space Climate) variability of the integrated solar-terrestrial environment, and for its societal applications; and CAWSES-II: Toward Solar Maximum runs from 2009 to 2013.
Dr. Marian Lazar attended this symposium taking opportunity to make valuable contacts and discuss on the present challenges in modeling the solar wind plasma turbulence, its potential drivers and the role played in the evolution of our space weather and the Earth’s climate. In coronal outflows and solar wind plasmas, the presence of interplanetary magnetic field and heat fluxes give rise to anisotropies of plasma particles, which quickly lead to the onset of plasma instabilities. Recent fundamental investigations of the kinetic instabilities (within the group of Prof. Reinhard Schlickeiser) create premises for a complete characterization and a deep understanding of their role in space plasma.

Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Berlin 2010