Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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Edmund Schüngel at the ESCAMPIG in Novi Sad, Serbia

The cooperation between the group of Prof. Zoltan Donkó at the "Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics" in Budapest and the Chair of Plasma and Atomic Physics could be intensified by a research stay in Hungary, which was made possible by the Research Department Plasma.
The joint participation in the ESCAMPIG conference ("Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases") offered the opportunity to collectively present the results obtained in the collaboration between Prof. Donkó's institute and the Chair of Experimental Physics V in Bochum. Through the joint conference contributions of Dr. J. Schulze from Prof. Donkó's group and myself ("The Electrical Asymmetry Effect in geometrically asymmetric discharges", "Charge dynamics in capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges", "Excitation dynamics in electrically asymmetric capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges - experiment, simulation, and model") the results of the RD Plasma cooperation were presented on an international level. The journey from Budapest was very economical, so that the low costs are justified by the necessity and importance of this presentation at an ESCAMPIG (13.07.2010 to 17.07.2010), which is strongly perceived in our field of work.
