Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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ISPC is a bi-annual international conference with topics encompassing the whole area of plasma chemistry and plasma processing science. The aim of the Symposium is to present the recent progress in plasma chemistry and its applications. Contributions are solicited in basic and applied areas. Prior to the Symposium the European Summer School on low pressure and thermal plasmas will be held.
The official language of the School and the Symposium is English.
The 19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry started on July 26th and ended July 31, 2009. The Bochum Plasma Center thanks all participants for coming to Bochum. We really enjoyed hosting almost 650 colleagues from over 40 nations and wish that you were inspired and intrigued by the lectures and posters being presented at the symposium. See you at the next ISPC.
Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.
The next ISPC will be held in Philadelphia.