Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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Prof. Dr. Jan Benedikt moves to Christian-Albrechts University Kiel

At April 1st, 2017 Jan Benedikt was appointed full professor for experimental plasma physics at Christian-Albrechts University Kiel. The research department will continue the collaboration with the group of Prof. Benedikt and will strenghten thereby the ties with CAU.

In 2004 Dr. Jan Benedikt joined RUB as a PostDoc in the research group reactive plasmas of Prof. von Keudell. He build up the experiments on mass spectrometry, µ-plasmas, and plasma medicine. In 2010 he was appointed a junior professorship for Coupled Plasma-Solid State Systems at the faculty for plasma physics and astronomy. During his time at RUB, he supervised six PhD thesis and numereous master and bachelor thesis.

The research department plasmas with complex interactions whishes Jan Benedikt all the best for his future and looks forward to many fruitful collaborations.