Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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Academic studies

M.Sc. Laser and Photonics

The photon (colloquially "light particles") has become an important economic engine in Germany. The English-language Lasers and Photonics course trains specialists in this field. The students deal among other things with optical measuring technology, truck technology and material treatment by laser. Right from the start, they will do their own research, for example in the SOWAS internship without pre-fabricated experiments based on interdisciplinary research tasks. The participation in research projects and the presentation of own results at conferences are expressly desired. In the competition, they can apply for funding for their own research projects, which they should ideally carry out at a partner institution abroad. International guest lecturers contribute to further networking. Students take part in a Journal Club to keep up with the latest developments in their field. 
The study programme, which is unique in NRW, is supported by the faculties of electrical engineering and information technology as well as mechanical engineering. The Research Department "Plasmas with complex interactions" and the Materials Research Department are involved. The programme is aimed at Bachelor graduates in electrical engineering, information technology, mechanical engineering, physics and other natural sciences.

International Master Lasers and Photonics

Lasers and photonics is a topic of great scientific and economic interest. The Ruhr-Universität Bochum is offering an international master's degree program in "Lasers and Photonics" starting in fall 2011. 
In addition to our undergraduate courses, we offer internships, international conference participation, English courses and projects with international collaborators. 
If you are interested and have a bachelor's degree in physics, electrical engineering or mechanical engineering, please contact us for more information:


Prof. Dr. Mar­tin Hof­mann
Chair of Pho­to­nics and Tera­hertz Tech­no­lo­gy
De­part­ment of Elec­tri­cal En­gi­nee­ring and In­for­ma­ti­on Sci­en­ces
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150, ID 05/439
Telephone: +49(0)234 32-27700