Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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Successful Frontiers conference in Bad Honnef

Between May 12th and May 16th, 2019, the 13th Frontiers in Low-Temperature in Plasma Diagnostics and 1st Frontiers in Low-Temperature Plasma Simulations was held in the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef.

The conference was organized by the Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions and chaired by Prof. Czarnetzki from the SFB 1316. In total, 103 participants joined the diagnostics and simulation meeting.

Scientists from both collaborative research centers, SFB TR 87 and SFB 1316, attended the meeting and presented five poster and four oral contributions. Julian Held, PhD student in project A5 of the SFB-TR 87, was awarded the prize for the best oral presentation with his contribution Velocity distribution function of atoms and ionsin HiPIMS by Doppler broadening of optical emission lines during the conference. Congratulations to him!