Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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10th International Workshop on Microplasmas in Kyoto

This year, the 10th edition of the International Workshop on Microplasmas took place in Kyoto. The scope of the workshop are the generation/sources of microplasmas, modelling, and applications (material processing, biomedical material treatments, environmental devices etc.). Around 70 participants from all over the world joined the meeting. A group of nine people from Bochum, especially from the CRC 1316 joined the conference. Finally, two oral presentations and six poster presentations were given by them.

An oral presentation was held by Sebastian Dzikowski from project A6 from the CRC 1316 with the title "Initial ignition behavior of a micro cavity plasma array (MCPA)". Moreover, an invited talk was given by Dr. Volker Schulz-von der Gathen from the CRC with the title "Micro cavity plasma array devices: From first ignition to continuous operation".