Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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The Gordon Research Conference "Plasma Processing Science and Societal Grand Challenges" has been held at Bryant University, USA, July 22-27, 2012. The Gordon conference series provides an opportunity for scientists to discuss recent results and current challenges without subsequently publishing them in conference proceedings. The special format of the conference, with ample time for scheduled discussions and opportunities for informal exchanges during the afternoon, also creates an ideal atmosphere for the joint development of new ideas. The main focus this year was on plasmas in the field of renewable energy as well as in the rapidly developing field of plasma medicine.

Prof. Achim von Keudell, whose presentation included the latest results in HPPMS, was elected by the plenary with a large majority as the next Vice-Chair of the conference and thus automatically becomes the next Chair of GRC Plasma Processing Science after the next event in 2014, which will be hosted by Prof. Jane P. Chang. In addition, Jun.-Prof. Jan Benedikt, Prof. Jörg Winter and Ph.D. student Hendrik Bahre participated in the conference and presented their results at the poster sessions. 
