Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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New PIs within the Research Department

During the last general meeting of the Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions, new Senior PIs were elected to join the collaboration of different scientists over the campus. Due to changed cooperations, the group was enlarged by four new Senior PIs: Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler from the chair for technical chemistry, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Tischler from the chair for microbial biotechnology, and Dr. Julian Schulze as well as Jun.-Prof. Andrew Gibson from the chair for electrical engineering and plasma technology.

With the coming into force of the new by-laws, the Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions now includes Associated PIs from other universitites, who work together with the scientists on campus. Here, the new memebers are: Prof. Dr. Jan Benedikt from the chair for plasma physics at the CAU Kiel, Prof. Dr. Guido Grundmeier from the chair for technichal and macomolecular chemistry at the university of Paderborn, Prof. Dr. Timo Jacob from the Insitute for Electrochemistry at the Uni Ulm, Prof. Dr. Thomas Mussenbrock from the chair for theoretical electrical engineering at the BTU Cottbus Senftenberg, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Oberrath from the institute for product and prozess innovation at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya from the institute for Interface Science at the Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin, Prof. Dr. Jochen M. Schneider from the chair for material chemistry at the RWTH Aachen, and finally Dr.-Ing. Jan Trieschmann from the chair for theoretical electrical engineering at the BTU Cottbus.