Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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CRC 1316 at the International Conference on Plasma Medicine

In the summer, Dr. Sebastian Burhenn and Steffen Schüttler, together with Sabrina Klopsch and Tim Dirks from the RUB Applied Microbiology group, visited the 9th International Conference on Plasma Medicine (ICPM9) in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Around 250 participants discussed the current state of plasmas in medicine. Topics ranged from "Plasma Agricultural Applications" to "Plasma-Liquid Interactions" to "Plasma-Based Decontamination and Sterilisation" and much more.

Sebastian Burhenn gave a presentation in the section "Fundamentals of Atmospheric Plasma" on the "Influence of Humidity on OH Distribution in the COST Jet measured by Laser-Induced Fluorescence". Steffen Schüttler contributed to the section "Plasma-Liquid Interactions" with his talk on "Hydrogen peroxide production in water treated with a capillary plasma jet". Sabrina Klopsch and Tim Dirks presented a poster about their work in the field of plasma-driven biocatalysis.