Agata Giardina
The research group applied microbiology of Prof. Julia Bandow welcomes M.Sc. Agata Giardina fo the Universitá di Padova from Italy. The intention of the collaboration is to intensify the knowledge about the impact of plasmas on biological systems. This fits perfectly to Agiata Giardina's PhD topic, the effect of new plasma sources on the model enzyme GAP-dehydrogenase. She visits the group for at least four months, from January 1st, 2017 until April 30th, 2017.
Prof. Dr. Felix Spanier
The well-established cooperation in the BMBF project "Astrophysical Processes in the Heliospheric Environment" of PD Dr. Horst Fichtner (Chair of Theoretical Physics IV) with the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, in South Africa led to a visit of Prof. Dr. Felix Spanier to talk about latest scientific results. He visited RUB from 09 - 16 January 2017.
Dr. Roelf Du Toit und M.Sc. Petrus Johannes Steyn
PD Dr. Horst Fichtner welcomed another visit from South Africa in the framework of the BMBF project "Astrophysical Processes in the Heliospheric Environment". Dr. Roelf Du Toit and M.Sc. Petrus Johannes Steyn came from the North-West University, Campus Potchefstroom, in South Africa from February 16 - 17, 2017.
Dr. Bidzina Shergelashvili
Austrian visitors had the chair of theoretical physics IV, PD Dr. Horst Fichtner. From the University of Graz Dr. Bidzina Shergelashvili was visiting in the time of March 13 - 24.
Dr. Molina
Dr. Ricardo Molina from the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) will give the seminar “Plasma polymerization in contact with liquids” on Wednesday, March, 29th, in Bochum. This lecture explores some routes to synthesize polymers in liquid environment by means of dielectric barrier discharges (DBD). The properties of the treated surfaces, e.g. surface energy, are addressed as well.
Since 2009, Dr. Molina works as Tenured Scientist at IQAC-CSIC in Barcelona, Spain. Being an expert in remote plasma treatments and DBD applications, his work is focused on plasma treatment of polymeric materials, plasma sterilization, plasma in liquids (elimination of contaminants in wastewater and polymerization) and plasma in agriculture (plasma activated water, seed germination, etc).
The seminar will take place on 29.03.17 at 10.00 in the lecture room ID 03/445 in the RUB. Please confirm attendance by sending an e-mail to
19.01.2017 - Prof. Dr. Joost van der Mullen
Vom 06. bis 09. Februar 2017 wird Joost van der Mullen, emeritierter Professor der Technische Universiteit Eindhoven einen Workshop zum Thema "Plasma Characterization and classification using the method of disturbed Bilateral Relations" an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum halten. Prof. van der Mullen ist auch nach seiner Emeritierung weiterhin aktiv in der Forschung tätig und derzeit an der Universiteit Antwerpen an der Fakultät für Chemie beschäftigt. Sein Workshop wird voraussichtlich von 09 bis 17 Uhr in ID 03/653 stattfinden.
Title: Plasma Characterization and classification using the method of disturbed bilateral relations.
Abstract: The aim of this lecture-block is to provide a common basis for engineers, experimentalists, theoreticians and users of plasma sources. This will be done by presenting a plasma classification/characterization tool based on the many aspects of equilibrium departures in plasmas. This leitmotiv is chosen because non-equilibrium is the essential reason behind the success of high-tech plasmas physics. Plasmas can generate large fluxes of photons and radicals but these effluxes will create deviations from the equilibrium.
To find our way in the wilderness of plasma features and sources we will use the method of disturbed Bilateral Relations (dBR), which relates equilibrium disturbing to equilibrium restoring mechanisms. In that way it generates validity-criteria and predicts trends in the deviations from equilibrium. The basic idea of the dBR method is that “equilibrium” has many features, which can be described by specifying the underlying balances of (de)excitation ionization/recombination, absorption/emission etc.. Equilibrium-departure has also many aspects. This can be caused by the efflux of heat, photons and/or (charged) particles.
Several different types of plasmas will be dealt with in various case studies. The tight relation between the (simplified) theory and spectroscopy will be highlighted. Apart from passive spectroscopy (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) we will also give examples of active (laser) spectroscopy like Thomson scattering.
The use of complicated formulas is avoided; the number of equations will be limited.
Gast: Dr. Vikram Dwarkadas
Vom 5.-7. Dezember 2012 ist Dr. Vikram Dwarkadas (Univ. of Chicago) zu Gast bei PD Dr. Dominik Bomans. Er hält am 6. Dezember einen Vortrag (im Rahmen der FOR 1048): 11ct NA 7/32 über "Blast from the Past: Hydrodynamic and X-ray Modeling of the Circumstellar Medium as Clues to Supernova Progenitors". Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!
ABSTRACT: Supernovae (SNe) are divided into many types and sub-types, but the precise progenitor of each (sub)type of SN still remains unknown. Core-collapse supernovae (SNe) arise from the explosion of massive stars. The resultant shock wave expands in the circumstellar medium formed by mass-loss from the massive star. The interaction of the shock wave with this medium gives rise to X-ray and radio emission.
In this talk we will discuss how circumstellar interaction can be used to constrain the SN progenitor. As a specific example, we will consider SN1996cr, one of the five closest SNe to explode in the past 30 years, yet which lay undiscovered for many years. Our team was awarded a 500,000 sec Chandra HETG observation of the SN, which was completed in early 2009. In order to interpret this data, we have carried out hydrodynamic simulations, followed by computations of
simulated X-ray spectra under non-equilibrium ionization conditions, that can be directly compared with the observations. These calculations allow us to infer the evolution of the SN shock wave, the
density structure, and the abundances of the ejecta and surrounding medium, to reasonable accuracy. We will show how the data allow us to constrain the progenitor properties. The deep spectra even allow us to investigate the 3D morphology of this point source by studying the detailed line shapes. We will discuss the implications for massive star mass-loss and SN evolution.
27.11.2012: Gast: Dr. Peter Delmont
Am 7.12.2012 hält Dr. Peter Delmont vom MathCCES, Dept. of Math. der RWTH Aachen ab 10:15 in NABF 05/694 einen Vortrag über "Simulation of electric arc extinction in a simple electric network".
26.11.2012: Gast: Prof. Dr. Antoine Rousseau
Prof. Dr. Antoine Rousseau from LPP*, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, will give a talk on December 3rd, 2012, about "Discharges at interface of solids and liquids" (12:15 at HNB, "Physikalisches Kolloquium").
16.11.2012: Gast: Prof. Dr. Igor Denysenko
Prof. Dr. Igor Denysenko von der School of Physics and Technology, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine ist zu Besuch bei Doktorandin Brankica Sikimic und Dr. Ilija Stefanovic. Am 22. November 2012 hält er ab 16:15 Uhr im NB 5/158 einen Vortrag über "Formation of vertically aligned carbon nanostructures in plasmas: modelling of growth and energy exchange". Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!
12.11.2012: Gast: Prof. Dr. Miguel A. de Avillez
Am 27.11.2012 hält Prof. Dr. Miguel A. de Avillez von der University of Evora, Portugal ab 10:15 Uhr in Raum NA 7/32 einen Vortag über "Thermal and Dynamical Evolution of the Interstellar Gas". Er ist als Gast der FOR1048 bei Prof. Dettmar.
Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!
12.11.2012: Gast: Prof. Dr. Eugene Postnikov
Prof. Dr. Eugene Postnikov vom General Physics Department der Kursk State University ist zu Gast bei der FOR1048 und hält am 22.11.2012 ab 14:15 Uhr in NB 7/165 einen Vortrag über "PDE approach to the Continuous Wavelet Transform and its applications". Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!
09.11.2012: Gast: Prof. Dr. Richard Sydora
Prof. Dr. Richard Sydora is visiting the Research Group FOR 1048 for two weeks and working with Dr. J. Dreher and Prof. H. Soltwisch on theories related to the FlareLab experiment.
08.11.2012: Gast: Yolanda Gonzalvo
Vom 19.-23. November 2012 ist Yolanda Gonzalvo (Special Project Manager in der Plasma & Surface Analysis Division bei Hiden) im Rahmen des COST Programms zu Besuch bei PD Dr. Teresa de los Arcos am Institut für Experimentalphysik II.
30.10.2012: Gast: Prof. Dr. Ute Ebert
Prof. Dr. Ute Ebert, Leader of CWI's research group MAC3: "Multiscale Modeling and Nonlinear Dynamics", and professor of physics at Eindhoven University of Technology (parttime) gives a talk on November 05th, 2012, about "Thunderstorms - plasma reactors above our heads" (12:15, Physikalisches Kolloquium, HNB).
16.10.2012: Gast: Dr. Françoise Massines
Am 17./18. Oktober 2012 besucht Dr. Françoise Massines vom PROMES (Laboratoire Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire) in Perpignan (Frankreich) Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell, AG Reaktive Plasmen.
16.10.2012: Prof. Lenka Zajíčková zu Besuch
Frau Prof. Dr. Lenka Zajíčková von der Masaryk Universität, Brno (Tschechische Republik) ist zu Besuch bei Jun.-Prof. Jan Benedikt.
17.09.2012: Gast: Sven Bronholdt
This and next week, Dr. Ante Hecimovic is having a guest PhD student: Sven Bronholdt from Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. He'll be working on measurements of the energy flux in the HiPIMS discharge.
28.08.2012: Gast: Dr. Nathalie Carrasco
Am Mittwoch hält Thomas Gautiers Doktormutter Nathalie Carrasco vom LATMOS (Laboratoire Atmosphere Milieux Observations Spatiales) um 16:00 Uhr (s.t.) einen Vortrag über "PAMPRE: A dusty plasma experiment to simulate Titan Atmosphere".
26.08.2012: Gast: Prof. Rajesh Srivastava
Prof. Dr. Rajesh Srivastava vom Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee Roorkee - India, hält in NABF 05/694 am 27.8. um 14 Uhr c.t. einen Vortrag über "Role of reliable electron excitation cross sections in inert gas plasma modelling".
18.07.2012: Gast: Ph.D. Yukinori Sakiyama
From July 16th to 17th, 2012, Ph.D. Yukinori Sakiyama from the Department of Chemical and biomolecular Engineering at the University of California in Berkeley visited project A1 of the Research Group "Physics of Microplasmas" (FOR1123).
19.06.2012: Gast: Dr. Sander Nijdam
In dieser Woche wird Dr. Sander Nijdam von der TU Eindhoven zu Gast des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Elektrotechnik und Plasmatechnik sein. Er beschaeftigt sich u.a. mit der Abscheidung von Si und SiO2 mit mikrowellen Plasmen.
13.06.2012: Gast: Prof. Yoshinobu Kawai
Prof. Dr. Yoshinobu Kawai von der Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, ist zu Besuch bei Prof. Dr. Uwe Czarnetzki am Institut für Experimentalphysik V. Am 16. Juli 2012 hält er ab 13 c.t. in NABF 05/694 einen Vortrag über "Large Area VHF Plasma Production with Multi-rod Electrode".
05.06.2012: Gast: Prof. Andre Anders
Prof. Andre Anders from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA will come to RUB to cooperate with Dr. Ante Hecimovic and other members of the SFB-TR87 on June 21st and 22nd, 2012.
23.05.2012: Workshop “Stability and Instabilities of Microplasmas”
Die Forschergruppe FOR1123 “Physics of Microplasmas” veranstaltet vom 30.05.-01.06.2012 an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum einen internationalen Workshop zum Thema “Stability and Instabilities of Microplasmas”. Zu Gast sein werden Peter Bruggeman, Remi Dussart, Satoshi Hamaguchi, Ömer Ilday, Mark Kushner, Joost van der Mullen, Yi-Kang Pu und Nader Sadeghi.
21.05.2012: Gast: Prof. K. Porsezian
Prof. Dr. K. Porsezian from Department of Physics, Ponduchery University, Ponduchery, India, is visiting Ruhr-University Bochum during the period May, 23-25th, 2012. He will deliver his talk about "Modulational Instabilities of Coherent Dispersive Waves in Nonlinear Media" on 24th May at 14:00 hour in NB 7/67.
30.04.2012: Gast: Prof. Samuel Graham
Vom 7.-11. Mai 2012 wird Prof. Samuel Graham vom Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (USA), das RD Plasma und den SFB-TR87 besuchen. Am 8. Mai 2012 (Dienstag) hält Prof. Samuel Graham vom Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (USA) einen Workshop zu den Themen "Structure and Deposition Techniques of Barrier Films" (Part I: 10:30-12:00 Uhr) und "Characterization Methods for Barrier Films" (Part II: 14:00-16:00 Uhr). Dieser findet im Seminarraum ID 04/653 statt. Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!
19.04.2012: Gast: Dr. Christian Maszl
Am 23. April 2012 hält Dr. Christian Maszl von der Universität Innsbruck, AIT Wien, einen Vortrag über "Palm tree modes and edge localized modes in tokamaks". Dieser findet um 14:00 Uhr in NB 5/158 statt. Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!
30.03.2012: Guest: Professor Tito Mendonca
Prof. Tito Mendonca of University of Lisbon is visiting RUB International Chair during the period April 1st-5th, 2012.
27.03.2012: Gast: Prof. Ömer Ilday
Prof. Dr. Ömer Ilday von der Bilkent Universität, Ankara, Türkei, ist vom 23. bis 28. März 2012 zu Gast am RD Plasma.
21.03.2012: Gast: Prof. H. Jörg Osten
Prof. H. Jörg Osten vom Institut für Materialien und Bauelemente der Elektronik der Leibniz Universität Hannover hält heute um 15:00 Uhr im IA 1/155 einen Vortrag über "Introducing rare-earth oxides into modern electronics".
20.03.2012: Gast: Dr. Ihor Korolov
Dr. Ihor Korolov will come to Bochum together with Zoltan Donko. He will give a seminar talk about “Rate coefficients for asymmetric charge exchange” on Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 at 02.00 p.m. at NABF 05/694.
08.03.2012: Gäste: Remi Dussart und Mukesh Kumar Kulsreshath
Ph.D. student Mukesh Kumar Kulsreshath from GREMI, Orléans (France) stays with the RD Plasma from February 19th till March 17th, 2012. His supervisor Remi Dussart visits as well on March 15th and 16th.
05.03.2012: Gast: Prof. Yuri Litvinenko
Prof. Yuri Litvinenko vom Department of Mathematics der University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand ist im März zu Gast bei TP4 und hält am 7. März 2012 ab 10:15 Uhr einen Vortrag über "Diffusive transport of solar energetic particles" (NB 7/65).
22.02.2012: Gast: Prof. Igor Denysenko
Our collaboration with Kharkiv continues. From the February 1st to March 27th, 2012 Prof. Igor Denysenko is a guest of Institute for Experimental Physics II.
31.01.2012: Gast: Wei Ting Chen
Seit dem 28. Januar 2012 ist Herr Wei-Ting Chen von der Kyushu University, Japan, für zwei Monate als PhD-Studenten aus Fukuoka in Japan zu Gast bei Prof. Uwe Czarnetzki am Institut für Experimentalphysik V.
31.01.2012: Gast: Prof. Keigo Takeda
Vom 25. Januar bis 23. März 2012 forscht Prof. Keigo Takeda von der Nagoya University am Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik V.
30.01.2012: Gast: Prof. Adriana Creatore
Am Montag, den 30.01.2012, hält Prof. Adriana Creatore von der TU Eindhoven den Vortrag „Functional Layers for Thin Film Inorganic Solar Cells: Plasma Processes“ im physikalischen Kolloquium (12:15 Uhr, HNB).
30.01.2012: Gast: Prof. Renato Fedele
Prof. Renato Fedele of Department of Physical Sciences, University of Napoli, Italy will deliver a talk entitled "From Geometric to Wave Electron Dynamics: The Quantumlike theory of coherent effects in charged plarticle beam dynamics" at 4 PM on January 30th, 2012, in Room NB 7/67.
27.01.2012: Gäste: Takuya Takeuchi & Hyung Jun Cho
Vom 27. Januar bis zum 25. März 2012 werden zwei PhD-Studenten aus Nagoya (Japan) an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum forschen: Takuya Takeuchi und Hyung Jun Cho.
25.01.2012: Gast: Prof. Yi-Kang Pu
Prof. Yi-Kang Pu von der Tsinghua University, Beijing, China wird Prof. Uwe Czarnetzki am Institut für Experimentalphysik V in der Woche nach Ostern (10. - 14. April) besuchen und am 12. April ab 14:00 Uhr im Seminarraum NABF 05/694 einen Vortrag halten.
25.01.2012: Gast: Prof. Rainer Johnsen
Prof. Rainer Johnsen (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh) hält am 13. Februar um 14:00 Uhr im Seminarraum NABF05/694 einen Vortrag zu "Recombination in hydrogen afterglows".
23.01.2012: Gast: Dr. Manami Sasaki
Am 24. Januar 2012 hält Frau Dr. Manami Sasaki von der Universität Tübingen in Raum NA 7/32 um 10:15 Uhr einen Vortrag über "Shock-heated Plasma in the Interstellar Medium".
22.01.2012: Gast: Anton Ivanov
Montag, 23. Januar 2912, hält Herr Anton Ivanov von der Sofia Universität in Bulgarien um 16:30 Uhr einen Vortrag über "Microwave Plasma Source at Atmospheric Pressure" im Seminarraum NABF05/694.
10.01.2012: Gast: Prof. Dr. Tobias Schäfer
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schäfer ist vom 1.10.2011 bis zum 30.09.2012 zu Gast bei Prof. Dr. Rainer Grauer. Er ist Associate Professor am Department of Mathematics, College of Staten Island, City University of New York und verbringt sein Sabbatical an der RUB.