Plasma workshop at Bo.Ing 2020
The SFB-TR 87 and CRC 1316 joined the workshop program of the Bo.Ing 2020. At the Bochum engineering forum "BO.Ing", pupils are given an insight into the engineering sciences in workshops, laboratory tours and discussion groups. The event is organised by the zdi network IST.Bochum.NRW and is implemented in cooperation with universities from Bochum and the surrounding area.
With plasma workshop, sixteen pupils in two different workshop learned the basic ideas about plasma and its applcation. In hands-on activities, the girls and boys were able to perform their own experiments.
Dr. habil. Julian Schulze GEC Executive Committee Chair 2020
PI Dr. habil. Julian Schulze has been elected as GEC Executive Committee Chair with the tenure beginning 10/2020. The Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) is a prestigous plasma science meeting of the APS, which is organized annually usually in the US.
Prof. Dr. Julia Bandow accepted the offer for the chair of applied microbiology at RUB
Prof. Dr. Julia Bandow, Ruhr University Bochum, declined a call to the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf for the W3 Professorship for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Biology, a call to the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster for the W3 Professorship for Microbiology and a call from the Technical University of Darmstadt for the W3 professorship for microbiology. Instead she accepted the offer of the Ruhr University Bochum for the W3 professorship for applied microbiology.
PLASNOW (Plasma generated Nitric Oxide in Wound healing)
The DFG granted research project PLASNOW (Plasma generated Nitric Oxide in Wound healing) is an interdisciplinary collaboration within the research field of plasma medicine. The project was approved in November 2019 for 36 months. It will start with the start it will only start with the start of contract of the PhD student which is still in process at the moment.
Two groups from electrical engineering (AEPT, Prof. Dr. P. Awakowicz) and plasma physics (Experimental physics II, Dr. V. Schulz-von der Gathen) are involved. It is a successor and continuation of projects that were beforehand bundled in the cooperation “Plasma2Cell“. In this cooperation, other groups participate e.g. from chemistry, medicine, and biology at the Ruhr-University, the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf and the DLR in Cologne.
Cosmology explained in a television program
Prof. Hildebrandt was guest in a television program and explained cosmology. Moreover, he pointed out the importance of basic research. The full episode of the television program "Planet Wissen" can be found here.
Teenagers enjoy plasma physics
During the Easter holidays the Schülerprojektwoche for 14 and 15 year old pupils took place at the Ruhr-University Bochum. The Schülerprojektwoche is an established part of public relations for pupils and is, belong others, financed by both SFBs.
For one week 60 girls and boys did experiments in four different workshops, namely “astronomy”, “plasma physics”, “energy efficient house building” and “physics in medicine”.
In the plasma project, which was supervised by PhD and Master students of both SFBs, the pupils deposited thin gold layers on glass substrate using a plasma coater. Additionally, they characterized different samples regarding thickness, optical transmission and conductivity in dependence of the plasma deposition time.
Besides the workshops, the girls and boys experienced university life. They attended a lecture, visited “real” physics laboratories and watched a show at the planetarium in Bochum. At the end of the 4 days, they created posters and presented their results of the workshops to the other pupils during a poster session.
The Schülerprojektwoche was successfully finished with a quiz duel about the learned physics between the four workshop groups. Here, the plasma physics group won and was awarded with a cup.
New Mercator fellow of the CRC 1316 - Prof. Dr. Satoshi Hamaguchi, University of Osaka
Prof. Satoshi Hamaguchis research focus on plasma-material interactions in general, including their industrial applications. The aim of research is to understand fundamental mechanics of plasma-material interactions under various conditions. To achieve this, we combine plasma/beam experiments with numerical simulation/modeling. More specifically our current research topics include 1) etching, deposition, and surface modification processes for micro/nano electronics device manufacturing, 2) surface modification and functionalization of biomaterials by plasmas, 3) processing of water and biological systems by atmospheric-pressure plasmas mainly for applications in plasma medicine and plasma agriculture, and 4) dynamics and chemical reactions in plasmas under various conditions, including atmospheric-pressure plasmas.
Prof. Hamaguchi is also coordinator of the JSPS core-to-core program "Establishment of the Center for Collaborative Research in Data-Driven Plasma Science " that connects Osaka university with Ruhr University Bochum, and the universities in Bologna, Aix-Marseille, and York. In the framework of this program the sending side covers international airfare and the receiving side covers maintenance and the domestic travel costs. The hosting side covers the cost of holding the seminars.
New PIs within the Research Department
During the last general meeting of the Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions, new Senior PIs were elected to join the collaboration of different scientists over the campus. Due to changed cooperations, the group was enlarged by four new Senior PIs: Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler from the chair for technical chemistry, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Tischler from the chair for microbial biotechnology, and Dr. Julian Schulze as well as Jun.-Prof. Andrew Gibson from the chair for electrical engineering and plasma technology.
With the coming into force of the new by-laws, the Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions now includes Associated PIs from other universitites, who work together with the scientists on campus. Here, the new memebers are: Prof. Dr. Jan Benedikt from the chair for plasma physics at the CAU Kiel, Prof. Dr. Guido Grundmeier from the chair for technichal and macomolecular chemistry at the university of Paderborn, Prof. Dr. Timo Jacob from the Insitute for Electrochemistry at the Uni Ulm, Prof. Dr. Thomas Mussenbrock from the chair for theoretical electrical engineering at the BTU Cottbus Senftenberg, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Oberrath from the institute for product and prozess innovation at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya from the institute for Interface Science at the Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin, Prof. Dr. Jochen M. Schneider from the chair for material chemistry at the RWTH Aachen, and finally Dr.-Ing. Jan Trieschmann from the chair for theoretical electrical engineering at the BTU Cottbus.
Blue Square of Ruhr-Universität celebrates a jubilee
On Septmeber 15th, 2018, the Blue Square in Bochum celebrates a jubilee. At 11:30 the opening of the event starts with an official presentation of the heads of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Afterwards, scientific experiments for children and adults are presented on the different levels of the Blue Square. Furthermore, oral presentations are shown. Especially, Prof. Achim von Keudell holds a preseantion about Plasmas supporting energy storage. This presenation starts at 14:30 on level 3 of the Blue Square.
A short description of the presentation is: Plasmas may play a central role for the energy revolution. The vision of scientists is to build a small plasma system, which can be developed at the foot of a wind turbine producing solar energy, so-called solar fuels. Find out how exactly the could look like.
More information about the celebrating day can be found on the webpage of the Blue Square.
Am 15. September 2018 feiert der Blue Square in Bochum ein Jubiläum. Um 11:30 Uhr beginnt die Eröffnung der Veranstaltung mit einer offiziellen Präsentation der Leiter der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Anschließend werden auf den verschiedenen Ebenen des Blue Sqaure wissenschaftliche Experimente für Kinder und Erwachsene vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus werden mündliche Vorträge gezeigt. Insbesondere hält Prof. Achim von Keudell eine Vorlesung über Plasmen zur Unterstützung der Energiespeicherung. Diese Präsentation beginnt um 14:30 Uhr auf Ebene 3 des Blue Squares.
Eine Kurzbeschreibung des Vortrags lautet: Plasmen können für die Energiewende eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die Vision von Wissenschaftlern ist es, eine kleine Plasmaanlage zu entwickeln, die am Fuße eines Windrades aus Sonnenenergie sogenannte solare Kraftstoffe erzeugt. Erfahren Sie, wie genau das aussehen könnte.
Weitere Informationen über die Feier im Blue Square können auf der Homepage des Blue Square gefunden werden.
Prof. Achim von Keudell at TedX
Prof. Achim von Keudell had the honour to join the Tedx event on 19th May 2018 in Bochum with a 15 minutes talk on the impact of plasma technology on the daily life with a small focus on HiPIMS. The overarching topic of the event was "Changing Perspectives". Only 200 tickets for the audience were avaible.
TEDx is a wolrdwide offspring of the TED conference series. The range of topics of the TEDx event was extremly broad covering societal and scientific challenges of the future.
- The video of the presentation can be found here.
WissensNacht Ruhr 2018
At 29th September 2018, the event WissensNacht Ruhr, which is located at seven different locations within the Ruhr Area takes place. We are going to present plasmas in the Blue Sqaure in Bochum. Everybody is welcome to join our exhibition.